Friday, May 7, 2010

Earth’s 12 Major Vortex EnergyCentres

Also Noted as 12 points in the Book 'The Keys of Enoch'

Following is information about the major vortex energy centres of crystalline construction as channelled by Sananda Jesus the Christ through messenger Jean Peterson in 1990 and published in"Oneness Remembered - Ultraconsciousness".

Vancouver Island, Canada

This energy vortex is placed upon the energygrid of Planet Earth to function like a bowl, which by its very shape retainsenergy received, such as an umbrella turned upward toward the descending fillsitself to the top with Life-giving water. So it is that Vancouver Islandholds energy for a time, such as an incubation or formative stage of developmentand then at the proper timing which is determined by the Lords of Light(Councils of the Spiritual Hierarchy), connects with the grid system of PlanetEarth and merges its energy with the other major vortex areas. Vancouver Islandfunctions as a birthing place for Source Energies to merge with Earth Energiesthereby uplifting the vibration of Third Dimension.

Nova Scotia Connecting with the Bermuda Islands

This energy nestles among the bays of thoselands and can be felt by Humans as an attunement to Human’s evolution upon theEarth Plane. A scholar who returns to a schoolroom of childhood wanders inwonderment at the changes wrought within the physical structure remembered forso many years in a different way. So it is that Humans who visit this vortex forthe first time in this current Timeframe brings forth memories from within oflong ago and faintly remembered soul experiences. Those characteristics of Humanwhich form the personality essence are a sum total of all soul experience. So itis that this energy vortex functions as a schoolroom by beaming energy likenedto a history lesson unto the whole of Earth and her Lifeforms. Those who chooseto connect their own energy with this vortex energy create an opportunity todecode the energy thereby understanding the history of Self.

Great Pyramid at Giza at Egypt

The ancient pyramidal energy vortex at Gizawas given to Third Dimension at a time when darkness reigned upon the Earth.Darkness had grown to such an extent that the Councils of the HierarchicalGovernment sent forth emissaries from Higher Frequencies of existence into thirddensity. Those representatives from the Brotherhood of Light established uponthe precise centre of Earth a gravitational force combined with the cosmic beamof Source Energies which merged in a synchronicity of monotheistic understandingof attunement to Creative Force. Today in Earth time the physical form you knowat Giza has been transmuted from its original pristine beauty of synchronistic harmonious attunement to Source. However, the etheric vortex still remains aconstant source of energy for Earth’s planetary body and the Life supportsystems it nurtures. From its inception into Being, the Giza vortex hasmaintained a focal point to which all other eleven-energy points upon Earth’sgrid system attune or connect. That connection can be likened unto the umbilical cord of the embryo, which carries Life-giving nutrients from the mother to theforming physical vehicle until it, can support its own Life outside of the womb.The Giza energy vortex carries the physical records of Human’s evolution intime stored beneath the structure, and cut into the stone itself. The numericalnumbering system of the physical stone structure carries the same vibration asthe etheric numbers, which equal One.

Hawaiian Islands

This pristine ray of energy attunementradiates beauty in the physical manifestation for all of Earth to view. Withinthe etheric vibratory field of the Hawaiian Islands resides the memory of Light Codes sent forth in ancient times which translated the form of Human frometheric unto that known as density of Third Dimension. This area carries thecodes of transformation into Light Body, as all vortex areas do, in such a way that the memory cells within Humans who visit this area in physical body or etheric(meditation, prayer, dreams) taps into the ancient memory of Human's decent fromSpirit into matter or density of Third Dimension. This pattern of transformingEnergy from spirit into density must be remembered in the current time oftransformation to reverse the process, which is the avenue or pathway of memory,which creates ascension into Light Body or God/Man. The Hawaiian Islands are thefocal point of Memory Cell Light Decodement. However, the memory cells are alsostored within the molecular structure of each soul entity upon Earth. This vortex radiates energy unto all Humans and Earth, which may be tapped into todecode the soul evolution of Humankind. The Hawaiian Islands energy functions asa Higher Frequency current which merges with the soul energy of those of Man who wish to remember their Source and their soul experiences of individual soulevolution.

Aral Sea-Kungrad, Russia

This energy vortex radiates unto Mother Earththe energy of Divine Inspiration for transformation in the New Age of Humans. From this land known as Russia will come a greater meaning of Life than has beenknow in recent times upon the Earth Plane.

Takla Makan - Lop Nor, Sinkiang, China

This energy vortex is place upon Planet Earthby the Lords of Light in such a way that it receives the incoming vibrations ofSource energy in clarity of crystalline structure. This vortex radiates theLight Codes of transformation unto the entire Earth and her Lifeforms in asequential numerology for those minds of Human who comprehend Universal Flow ina mathematical mode of brain activity.

Philippine Islands

This vortex stands sentinel or as a guard at agate for the others of the vortex centres. This energy shines rays of LightCodes which monitor and guard the gates to all the other vortex areas which havebeen encoded from the Source to assist Mankind in its evolution from inceptionin the transformation cycle in the Now! Source deems it necessary for the LightCodes within the vortex centres to remain constant.

Kwajalein - Marshall Islands

This energy is of such nature that it flowsinto the seas or waters upon Earth in an ionic attunement to Source energies tomerge with Earth's water mass in a synchronicity of flowing balance. This vortexaligns Earth's ethers with the Life-giving water mass of Earth creating anetheric and Earth polarity of negative and positive energy balancing which holdsthe ionic structure of Earth in its proper placement. This energy gridcorresponds to the etheric record of all Earth energy thought and action storedwithin the ethers of Earth formation. The water mass upon Earth carries thevibration, which balances the opposite polarity or etheric layer surroundingEarth's mass.

Pueblo, Colorado to the Mescalero Reservation of NewMexico, USA

The energy within this area frequently feelsheavy to those passing through it. The reason for that attunement is that thePueblo, Colorado-New Mexico area functions as a magnet or point of connectionfor all others of the vortex energy points to converge. Unlike Giza, which feedsor nurtures the other vortex, this vortex functions as an ionic tuning fork inthe way a musical instrument can be brought into harmonic attunement throughaligning with perfect pitch. The convergence of all twelve points of energy uponthe grid system of Earth within this vortex creates a gravitational pull ofalignment, which holds the axis of Earth stable or functioning in the currentrotational pattern. This creates a very high energy vibration and manyEarthlings find the intensity of this vortex unsettling or overpowering to theirown personal vortex or soul frequency which leads them to define this vortexenergy as heavy. Many who reside within this area find their lives in flux orturmoil. In order to remain peaceful within the Lifestream, those who chose toreside upon Earth’s surface within this area must match the high frequency ofenergy, which naturally is created in this area. This energy acts as astabilizing factor within the grid system of Earth energies.

Lexington, Kentucky to Tennessee (USA)

This energy vortex carries a vibration of Peaceful Knowingness. The entities that reside within this vortex area have always remembered Source. They carry encodement within the soul frequency for the pattern of Human to be continued into forever. The so-called trials and struggles of economic, health, and cultural growth stages within the Lifestreams of those residing in this Earth area have been self-created in such a way thatthe focus for self-worth always remains upon the Source or God as the mainstaywithin the Life focus. Most entities that reside within this area remain attunedto the God Within. Those Earth entities who choose to travel within this vortexenergy find a peacefulness within themselves they sometimes have forgotten theyknow. This vortex then is the "Peaceful Valley" of Source Energy which radiates unto the whole Earth the Creator’s Love in equality for allLifeforms. The energy within this vortex is Love Dive which could be likenedunto sunshine shining upon a mirror which reflects the rays unto the entirety of Earth and All her Lifeforms in equal opportunity for them to receive theCreator’s Love in whatever attunement they wish to create.

Azores (Archipelago in the North Atlantic Ocean whichis part of Portugal)

The mountainous terrain of the Azores lendsitself into producing a hearty and healthy breed of Human. So it is this energy vortex stands forth in stamina and strength of Being. The Azores vortex radiates a constant supply of energy unto Earth, which meets the criteria of the Creatorfor the decodement of future times upon Earth. Stored within the Light Codes ofthis area are future time zone or time warp opportunities for which Humans mayslip through or beyond the present knowledge of time into All Time or beyondtime dimensions of beingness. The Azores energy vortex functions as a time clockas Humans understand time. Humans create time within their own mind and it is anillusion on the grandest scale. The Light Codes are recorded within thehourglass of time within the Azores vortex energy, which will propel Humans intothe understanding of the illusion of time as they have created it. For it is within this energy vortex that many Humans pay less attention to the time uponthe Earth Plane than at any other area upon Earth. So it is that the Azoresvortex area is the timekeeper, in Earth terms, of Human’s self-createdillusion of time.

Lourdes, France

This energy vortex beams forth unto the wholeof Earth an energy force which balances the Giza energy vortex in the negative and positive polarity understanding – Giza being the negative (Mother –Nurturing) and Lourdes being the positive (Father – Strength) polarity. This vortex contains the energy of both nature and Humans and streams forth thatconstant mix of energy construction into the atmosphere above Earth. That energyis then reflected back unto the Earth in a balancing of that known as centringor energy of strength.

Combined in a synchronistic alignment with theSource Energy Vortex which is God the Father, these harmonized energyplacements, upon the face of Mother Earth, resonate in a symphony of Oneness.

Fly, walk, run, bicycle, drive, use a ship or your imaging/meditative abilities to project the energy that is You into these areas of energy attunement. Feel with the magnetic soul essence the realty that indeed does exist within the ionic structure of the very air you breathe within these areas. Align your energy in the Oneness Vibration to which these vortex areas attune, and you will be aligned with Source and the Most Holy Father’s Master Plan for Earth and her Lifeforms.
So Be It. Peace Be Unto You. I, Sananda Jesus the Christ, salute you, O Earth Brothers and Sisters, as you follow your essence into tomorrow’s rays of the energy, which is
Purest Gold.
Amen and Amen. I AM!

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